Giacomo Benedetto
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I was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Budget Policy at Royal Holloway in 2016 and I am Associate Editor of the international peer-reviewed European Journal of Government and Economics. I have published research on the European Union's Budget, the European Parliament, the British House of Commons, the constitutional politics of the EU and on Euroscepticism in the Journal of European Public Policy, Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics and in the Journal of Public Policy. In 2012, Palgrave-Macmillan published my co-edited volume on the Reform of the European Union Budget. I am currently conducting research on the reform of the sources of revenue in the European Union Budget. From 2015 to 2016, I advised the EU's High Level Group on Own Resources on methods for arriving at agreement on a new system for financing the EU's budget. At present, I am programme director of the interdisciplinary BA in European Studies and I teach courses at BA and MSc level in EU history, politics and policy, comparative European politics, comparative democracy and democratization, and comparative institutional politics. In the past I have also taught courses on the government and public policy of France. I supervise two research students, one on EU counter-corruption policy, and the other on the obstacles to creating a single European market in services. I was also the lead-supervisor to Dr Ana-Iuliana Postu, who gained her PhD in 2015 on 'How Committees Run the European Parliament'.